
Welcome to the webpage of the Deep Learning course. This course is taught by Professor Stéphane Gaïffas. This course is for students from the Masters 2 programs MIDS and M2MO. On this webpage you will find all the teaching material (mainly lecture slides, jupyter notebooks and code for the labs).

Important links


The course takes place on Mondays 8:30 - 12:30 at Halle aux Farines room 027C, the agenda is here https://m2mids.github.io/m2mids/edt/


Go and log in the following Slack space (ideally install Slack on your laptop):

if you haven’t already. You can ask your question in the #cours-deep-learning channel.

Agenda for the course


Here is a list of learning ressources that can be useful for this course, among many others.


The course will focus mainly pytorch and tensorflow for deep learning, and we will use the regular Python stack for data-science, namely scikit-learn and pandas, among some others stuff.