Work experience
- Full Professor (2017–)
- Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris
- Laboratory of Probability, Statistics and Modelisation
- Part-time Professor (2019–)
- DMA, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris
- Guest researcher (Summer 2017)
- National Institute of Science and Technology, Washington DC
- Associate Professor (2012–2017)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Center for Applied Mathematics
- Assistant Professor (2007–2012)
- Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie
- Laboratory of Applied and Theoretical Statistics
Research contracts, awards and partnerships
ANR LABCom LOPF Large-scale Optimization of Product Flow (2020-) with the company Califrais
ANR grant PERHAPS (deeP learning for ElectRonic HeAlth records and applications in ProStatic pathologies) as part of the “Investissements d’avenir” program reference ANR-19-P3IA-0001; PRAIRIE 3IA Institute
- CNAM: Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (France social security) (2015-2020)
- Applications of big data and machine learning on a huge healthcare database
- with E. Bacry (CNRS, Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Pilot project in the Health Data Hub (2019–)
- title: Metabolic syndrome and prostatic pathologies
- A pilot project in the Health Data Hub
- with E. Bacry, G. Cancel-Tassin, O. Cussenot, B. Lukacs
- Tenon Hospital (2015–)
- Research convention with Tenon Hospital (O. Cussenot and B. Lukacs)
- Machine learning applied on a urology database
- with E. Bacry (CNRS, Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Chair AXA “Data Science in the Insurance Sector” (2015–2017)
- Teaching and Research Chair between Ecole polytechnique and AXA
- with M. Vazirgiannis
- Etalab (2015–2017)
- Research convention between Ecole polytechnique and Etalab
- Machine learning on government open data: roof orientation detection for solar panels using deep learning, car theft prediction, recommendation system for Pole Emploi
- with E. Bacry (CNRS, Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- PREPS (2016-)
- Research program on the performance of healthcare with several hospital in Ile de France
- Forecasting arrival flows in 80 emergency services in Paris neighborhood
- with E. Bacry (CNRS, Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Winamax (2016)
- Research convention between Ecole polytechnique and Etalab
- Machine learning applied to the study of addictology to online gambling
- with E. Bacry (CNRS, Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Chair Economy of new Data (2013-2015)
- Research chair between Havas and Univ. Paris Dauphine
- Fondation Institut Europlace de Finance
Administrative responsibilities
- Master MIDS
- Univ. Paris Diderot
- A double Master in Applied Mathematics and Informatics
- with C. Sirangelo
- Presentation of the M2 is available here slides.html
- Hiring committee (2018)
- Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris
- President of the hiring committee in applied mathematics
- Jury for General Interest Entrepreneur (2017)
- Member of a hiring jury for “Entrepreneur d’Intérêt Général”, an initiative for the transformation of public services
- Laboratory committee (2017-)
- Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris
- Elected member of the LPSM committee
- Data Science Initiative (2014-2017)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Member of the Steering Committee
- Department of Applied Mathematics (2014-2017)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Member of the committee of the Department of Applied Mathematics
- Research internships (2014–2015)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Responsible for the internships of third-year students in the field of data-science
- Data Science program (2015–2017)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Responsible for the “Data Science” program of third-year students
Scientific animation
- CMS Statistics (2018)
- Workshop on Optimisation for machine learning and online methods
- Pise, Italy
- Data Science Summer School (2017–2018)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Member of the organization committee
- Stochastic algorithms for big data (2015)
- Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
- Organization of the workship
- with G. Pages (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie)
- Workshop Someris (Social Media and Risk) (2015)
- Telecom ParisTech, Paris
- Organization of the “Someris” workshop in the ASONAM conference (international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining)
- with M. Vazirgiannis
- Web-mining and high-dimension (2014)
- Univ. Toulouse
- Organization of a workshop in the MAS Days conference
- ALEA Seminar (2012-2015)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- Co-organizer of the ALEA seminar of Center for Applied Mathematics
- Havas-Dauphine Chair, Economy of New Data (2014–2015)
- Institut Europlace de Finance, ILB, Paris
- Co-head of the computation team of the chair (recruitment and supervision of two engineers)
- with R. Ryder (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
Scientific supervision
- Anastasiia Kabeshova (2018–-)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
PhD Students
- Ibrahim Merad (2020–)
- Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris
- title: Unsupervised representation learning and applications in healthcare
- financed by PERHAPS Chair (ANR as part of the “Investissements d’avenir” program reference ANR-19-P3IA-0001; PRAIRIE 3IA Institute)
- Yiyang Yu (2018–)
- Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris
- title: Deep learning for Public Health
- financed by the “DIM région Ile-de-France” program
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Maryan Morel (2017–)
- title: Multi-task learning on temporal events with applications to electronic health records
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
Master 2 Students (recent)
- Ibrahim Merad (2020)
- LPSM, University of Paris
- Convergence of attentive recurrent networks and guarantees for contrastive unsupervised learning
- co-supervision with E. Bacry
- Raphaël Guegan (2019)
- Ecole polytechnique et Univ. Paris Diderot
- Prédiction des flux d’arrivée dans les services d’urgence d’Île-de-France
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine and K. Tribouley)
- Ding Phong Nguyen (2018)
- Ecole polytechnique
- Statistical learning in public health
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Yiyang Yu (2018)
- Ecole polytechnique
- Deep learning on large electronic health records
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Jaouad Mourtada (2017-2020)
- Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau
- title: Contributions to statistical learning: density estimation, expert aggregation and random forests
- co-supervision with E. Scornet (Ecole polytechnique)
- Defended 2020-06-08
- Now associate professor at ENSAE
- Alain Virouleau (2016-2020)
- title: Apprentissage statistique pour la détection de données aberrantes et application en santé
- co-supervision with A. Guilloux (Univ d’Evry)
- Defended 2020-06-18
- Now teacher of mathematic sat Institut Villebon - Georges Charpak
- Martin Bompaire
- title: Machine learning based on Hawkes processes and stochastic optimization
- Defended 2019-07-05
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Now Machine Learning Engineer at Criteo, Paris
- Simon Bussy
- title: Introduction of high-dimensional interpretable machine learning models and their applications
- co-supervision with A. Guilloux (Univ d’Evry) and A.-S. Jannot (HEGP)
- Defended 2019-01-16
- Obtained the Norbert Marx price from SFdS
- Now co-funder of Califrais and research engineer at AP-HP
- Massil Achab (2014–2017)
- title: Learning from sequences with point processes
- co-supervision with E. Bacry (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- Defended 2017-10-09
- Now Data-Scientist at PriceHubble
- Gustaw Matulewicz (2014–2017)
- title: Inférence statistique de processus d’Ornstein-Uhlenbeck: génération de graphes stochastiques, sparsité, applications en finance
- co-supervision with E. Gobet (Ecole polytechnique)
- Defended 2017-12-15
- Now Quantitative Researcher at Squarepoint Capital, Singapore
- Mokhtar Alalya (2012–2016)
- title: Segmentation of counting processes and dynamic models
- co-supervision with A. Guilloux (Univ. d’Evry)
- Defended 2016-06-27
- Now Post-Doc at LITIS Laboratory, France
In the context of the CNAM partnership and other research projects I hired and supervised several engineers.
- Yasser Benigmim (2020),
for a project on the prediction of the affluence at AP-HP hospitals - Philip Deegan (2017-),
development for thetick
library - Youcef Sebbiat (2016-),
development for the CNAM project - Maryan Morel (2015-2016),
development for the CNAM project - Daniel de Paula et Silva (2016-2018),
development for the CNAM project - Prosper Burq (2015-2017),
development for the CNAM project and cluster administration - Soren Poulsen (2016-2017),
development for thetick
library - Michel Blancard (2015-2016), data-scientist at Etalab
- Sathiya Kumar (2015-2017),
development for the CNAM project - Christos Giatsidis (2015-2017),
development for the CNAM project
- Habilitation to supervise research (2016)
- Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie
- title: Some contributions to statistics and machine learning
- Defended 2016-03-24
- Manuscript
- PhD Thesis (2002–2005)
- Univ. Paris-Diderot
- title: Nonparametric regression and inhomogeneous information
- Defended 2005-12-08
- Under the supervision of Marc Hoffmann (Univ. Paris Dauphine)
- M2 in Stochastic Modelisation (2002)
- Univ. Paris-Diderot